Today, I’m gonna show you how to print your variables for forget about console.log
The problem
Assume that you have a variable. What you does to print information? I suppose something like that:
const a = 123;
// somewhere after
console.log("a:", a); // a: 123
But what if variable name will be changed, or you would need to change the text for log
The Solution
Let me introduce @rslike/dbg
package. This package is a part of the global rslike
How to install:
npm install @rslike/dbg# or via yarnyarn add @rslike/dbg# or via pnpmpnpm add @rslike/dbg
import { dbg } from '@rslike/dbg'
const variable = 123;
dbg(() => variable) // dbg | variable: 123
Easy, isn’t it?
Advanced Usage
What if you would like to use another delimiter between variable name and value?
import { dbg } from '@rslike/dbg'
const a = 123;dbg(() => a, {delimiter: ':= '}) // "dbg | a:= 123"
What if you would like to change log function? That’s easy
import { dbg } from '@rslike/dbg'
const a = 123;dbg(() => a, {outputFunction: console.warn}) // in console waring: "dbg | a: 123"
You also can handle information by yourself:
import { dbg } from '@rslike/dbg'
const a = 123;const result = dbg(() => a, {outputFunction: () => {}}) // nothing will be printed in console, since noop function declared
console.log(result)/**// result object{ name: 'a', result: 123, type: 'number' // from typeof operator}*/
Anatomy of dbg
const a = 123;const res = dbg(() => a, {outputFunction: () => {}, prefix: 'DEBUG | ', delimiter: ' = '});
res === {"name": 'a' // variable name"type": "number" // returns from typeof operator."value": 123 // variable value."prefix": 'DEBUG | ' // called prefix from options"delimiter": " = " // called delimiter from options"message": "DEBUG | a = 123"// ^prefix ^delimiter}
Where message
is a message which you can call with your function.
Here is 2 related packages from @rslike